An agricultural model for allocation of crops is considered in this work using Pollination Intelligence Method. The model was\nconstructed to solve farmerâ??s decision making in allocating crops to a piece of land using market price, known yield of crops, cost\nincurred during planting, and the total amount of land available. A new class of metaheuristic method called Flower Pollinated\nAlgorithm is also presented in this work to solve the designed model. An improved version of the Flower Pollinated Algorithm\ncalled Pollination Intelligence Algorithm using an iterative scheme to override the switch parameter in Flower Pollinated\nAlgorithm is also presented and used in solving the designed model. A case study of a farmer in Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, was used\nto implement the model, and the results obtained suggested that instead of allocating crops to land randomly based on farmerâ??s\nintuition, cost of planting, yield of crops, and market price were factors that must be considered by farmers for optimal profit\nbefore planting crops.